Survey on government adoption of SaaS

SaaS is the bizarre acronym for “Software as a Service” (better than “SS”, though, undoubtedly) and Government Futures, who I blogged about a while ago, is conducting a survey to take government and industry’s pulse about SaaS’s use and prospects. From their latest e‑mail blast: 

Software-as-a-service, or SaaS, is today’s most disruptive and the most beneficial software innovation, beating out open-source and offshoring, according to Computerworld.

How will SaaS affect your life and your organization? Is it hype, or serious? What should you being doing today to shape your SaaS future? Government Futures is pleased to be collaborating with Government Computer News (GCN) on this survey of the future for SaaS. The results will be reported in GCN and on our website in May 2007.

Take the survey (by clicking here) and add to the collective intelligence! You can also win a copy of “Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything” by Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams. 

I’d encourage you to take the survey! SaaS makes enormous sense in government, and not just in terms of using Google Apps and the like. OMB’s Lines of Business move toward consolidation will be largely serviced and realized by SaaS providers internal to the government. Understanding this new approach to acquiring and utilizing IT will be increasingly important as more data moves off the desktop and even the LAN/WAN.