April 27, 2007

Federal grants management environment (NGMA Conference 2007 material)

I delivered this presentation at the NGMA Conference yesterday, as part of the “Grants Streamlining & Consolidation: Aligning with the GMLOB” session. It describes the major drivers in US Federal grants management. The second part of the session was a presentation by Darren…
April 25, 2007

Havekost is Austria-bound

I think this ranks among one of the less-expected stories of the week! Charles Havekost announced Monday that he will be leaving his position as chief information officer at the Department of Health and Human Services in mid-June and moving with…
April 24, 2007

NGMA session — Grants Consolidation and Streamlining: Aligning with the GMLOB

The NGMA Conference is this week and we’re speaking at this session on Thursday morning. I’ll be joined by my fellow TCG-er, Judith Turner, and Darren Ash, Associate CIO at the Department of Transportation. Here’s the abstract:  This session will…

Cost/Benefit Analysis for Enterprise Grants Management — 4/25/2007, 16:30 EDT

I’m speaking at this event tomorrow night, and you’re all invited! It’s sponsored by Grantium, a provider of COTS grants management products. Here’s the pitch:  The timely topics that we will cover are: * Optional approaches to modernizing Enterprise Grants Management solutions *…

Performance metrics to drive LOB choices

Mary Mosquera at FCW has an interesting report about OMB’s push to drive adoption of Financial Management Line of Business providers by gathering and providing performance metrics. Trisha Broadbelt, deputy program manager of the Financial Management LOB at the Interior…

New OMB Management Watch and High-Risk lists published

GovExec reports that OMB released updated versions of the Management Watch List and High-Risk List last week. As they put it:  Business cases for IT investments end up on the list if OMB officials find one or more weaknesses. The plans…
April 20, 2007

FedSpending dinged for publishing SSNs

[Via Slashdot, even though they incorrectly attribute the whole thing to OMB] Uh oh. The New York Times has an article today about FedSpending.org which unbeknownst-to-most included thousands of social security numbers. Apparently the data came from USDA, via Census…

Open source Grants.gov tools available from UC Berkeley

Ken Geis of UC Berkeley sent me this e‑mail today and I thought others would be interested in his Grants.gov tools. They help with the PureEdge forms right now and Ken plans to update them for the new Adobe forms (and…
April 18, 2007

Notes from Grants.gov Stakeholder Meeting 4/18/2007

Grants.gov posts the Webcasts about a week after the event so I thought these notes may be helpful for some folks.…

Grants.gov Stakeholders Webcast today

Just a reminder that there’s a Grants.gov Stakeholders Webcast today, open to one and all. Participation instructions are below.  Please join us for the Grants.gov Stakeholder Webcast on Wednesday, April 18, 2007, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. This meeting will be…