July 21, 2008

Subaward Pilot draft documents now available

We just posted the draft Subaward Research Agreement documents from the FDP, NIH, and NSF to the NGP web site (here). Those who deal in such matters should head over there to review the draft language and provide input to…
July 18, 2008

Zimbra: Getting Away Messages to Work With Domain Alises

While most of our mail is simply sent to “person@tcg.com”, our Zimbra server has a larger qualified domain name (let’s call it “mail.tcg.com”).  To get this to work, we completely configured up the domain “mail.tcg.com” and all the users within our…
July 16, 2008

Adobe 9.0 is okay for Grants.gov

Grants.gov has finished its testing, per this announcement:  Adobe Reader 9.0 is compatible with Grants.gov July 10, 2008 Testing for Adobe Reader version 9.0 is complete. Adobe Reader 9.0 is now compatible with Grants.gov. Applicants are required to have a compatible…
July 14, 2008

Grants Policy Committee goes webified!

The Grants Policy Committee just announced their new web site, with its very own three-letter government domain name (we geeks are awed by such wonders!). Check it out at www.gpc.gov. It’s got webcast archives, contact information, a breakdown of which groups…
July 12, 2008

Away at the range

A bunch of TCG people went to our local gun range today as a reward for hitting our quarterly strategy goal! We took a bunch of pictures, and I’ll add more later when we get them posted. This picture shows our armored…
July 7, 2008

Don’t use Adobe 9.0 if you want to apply for a federal grant!

Well, not yet anyway, as this announcement from Grants.gov indicates:  Adobe Reader 9.0 has been released. We are currently testing this latest version of Adobe Reader and will notify you when testing is complete. We have previously communicated the next…

Grants.gov Stakeholder webcast — July 16, 1pm-2pm

The next Grants.gov Stakeholder Webcast has been announced for July 16, 1pm-2pm EST. All the details are on the Grants Management Events Calendar, which you can also plug into your calendaring system by clicking here. The webcast can be viewed…

Transparency Act Subaward Pilot Conference Call, July 9, 2–4pm

I just got back from vacation and found this notice in my e‑mail. Join the call if you’re participating in the Subaward Pilot project through the NGP! Details:  Phone: 888–282-8353 Passcode: 69195 In Person: US Dept of Education, 550 12th Street…

UK government launches data mash-up

The BBC reports that the UK government is releasing terabytes of data to the country to enable users to create new ways of using it that might be beneficial to the country as a whole. This is a fantastic idea, in my…
June 10, 2008

NGP JUne 11th teleconference passcode changed!

Note that the new number is as follows: 800–857-9722 passcode 5168241…