Google launches a public policy blog

Google’s launched its own blog about public policy, “to do public policy advocacy in a Googley way,” claims Andrew McLaughlin, Google’s Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs. It’s certainly a good idea, even though postings over the last two months (it was internal up to today) have been sparse, to say the least. Topics include net neutrality, censorship, innovation regulation, immigration, R&D, national security, and trade, which have nothing to do with Google whatsoever.

I applaud this kind of thing. It’s certainly preferable to the alternative, which would be for Google to go about its public policy efforts behind closed doors, with conspiracy theorists having plenty to conspire about. (Which is a good question: Are conspiracy theorists in a conspiracy to delude non-conspiricists? I think we should be told.) 

[Via the ever-informative InfoWorld]