GMLOB alliances: The story updated

Back in March I posted about the various MOUs signed between agencies and GMLOB providers. Alice Stewart of Management Concepts has been researching this, and I’ve been very remiss in not updating the list. So I’m fixing that now! Additions are in italics.


Corporation for National and Community Service, Denali Commission, State, Transportation, Treasury, EPA, HHS/Administration on Aging, HHS/Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, HHS/CMS, HHS/HRSA, HHS/IHS, HHS/Office of Public Health and Science, IMLS, and USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service 


USDA CSREES (listed as “in discussion” with NASA, Air Force, Army, Navy, DARPA, NGA, DTRA, and DoD Washington Headquarters Services in January 2008)

Education G5

None known but heard rumors that several are in discussion with Education 

The one major change here is that the Veteran’s Administration is no longer listed under HHS/ACF, but the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is mentioned on the NIH eRA Web site, as is HHS’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Centers for DIsease COntrol and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Details are rather scant on what’s happening on GMLOB right now. By March 31st, agencies had to submit to OMB their plans for migration to GMLOB providers, but I’m not hearing a lot about what’s going to happen next. All rather mysterious!