November 21, 2005

NGMA Lunch, 11/17/2005

Following a fender bender on Dolly Madison Parkway last Thursday, I made it to the National Grants Management Association’s monthly lunch at Maggiano’s in Tenleytown. Tom Cooley, CFO of the National Science Foundation, was the speaker and he had a lot of interesting… and Macs — update

Over at Partial Recall, Rob gives us an update on what NIH is doing regarding PureEdge’s inability to provide a Mac client to The latest news is that the Mac client will be available in November 2006. Now, I could be wrong,…

Justice gets lower IT budget

Also from, I see a report on the FY06 State-Justice-Commerce appropriations bill, which effectively cuts the Department of Justice’s IT budget. It already looks like IT will be a primary target as Congress tries to get the country’s budget back on some…

eGov funding just got harder

GovExec reports today that Congress has included language in the Transportation-Treasury FY06 spending bill that requires all agencies to give Congress 15 days notice of any intention to transfer money to other agencies for e‑government projects. OMB had been pushing…
November 17, 2005

PMA Scorecard shows eGov disappointments

OMB released the PMA Scorecard for September 30, 2005, and grades on e‑government have dropped for six agencies, as FCW reports here. Meanwhile, Transportation and Labor maintained their green status, and HHS and Treasury moved from yellow to green on…
November 15, 2005

Spending bill has stiff telework requirements

I see that Rep. Frank Wolf (R‑Va) has written some stiff penalties into a new spending bill for certain agencies to prove that their use of teleworkers is increasing. We at TCG have been advocates of teleworking for many years but…
October 18, 2005

Challenging Torvald: Specs Are the Language of Negotiation

According to an article in SYS-CON, Linus Torvald posted a message on the ‘net saying that specs don’t help in software development, that they are a needless level of abstraction. Torvald may be right when the developer is the client, creating a program…
October 3, 2005

The Information Pioneers

Last week I attended the a reunion of the NSFnet crowd — lots of people whose names you probably don’t know (and a few whose names you’d recognize immediately, like Dave Farber), who 20 years ago developed the standards and the systems that…
September 1, 2005


TCG’s Senior CMMI Level 2 Mentor, Maureen Sullivan, just published a great article on What is CMMI Level 2 … and How Do We Get There?: A Brief Guide to CMMI Level 2 for Small Software Development Organizations. The article is intended to…
August 30, 2005

NGP article in GCN

Before I went on vacation last week I was interviewed by Government Computer News’ Jason Miller about the National Grants Partnership’s first white paper. The resulting article was published yesterday and I think it captures the core of the white paper very well,…