Author: Pete Sinnott
July 28, 2006
Summary of GAO’s grants streamlining report
As I posted earlier, GAO has released its second grants streamlining report. They surveyed grantees for this one, and found that many of the goals of P.L. 106–107 have not yet been met. (Hands up — who’s surprised? I thought so…) Here’s…
New GAO grants streamlining report
GAO just released its second report on grants streamlining. I’m digesting it this afternoon and will report back with a briefing later on. For now, here’s the link:
Grants Management: Grantees’ Concerns with Efforts to Streamline and Simplify Processes. GAO-06–566, July 28–566Highlights…
July 27, 2006
A nice reminder
I went to a meeting today with some folks I’d never met before and we got to talking about the use of open source. They are in a government agency and are extremely enthusiastic about using as much OSS as possible. And…
S.2590 — Hearings and a ‘Doh!’ moment
Word reaches me that two NGP Partners testified at the latest hearings regarding S.2590, otherwise known as the “Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act”, which was amusingly titled What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You. Hoho!
And somewhat related is…
July 26, 2006
Congress stymies e‑gov progress. Again.
For the last four years, Congress has put funding for e‑government projects under increasing pressure. Jason Miller of GCN has the latest scoop on this year’s attempts by Congress to determine the precise benefits of e‑government initiatives, such as…
New contracts for government services?
GovExec reported yesterday on a recommendation that GSA create a new type of contract for services acquisitions, arguing that existing contracts are geared more towards buying goods. This will create a whole lot of change in government IT contracting, if it goes ahead,…
Implementing a federal funds awards database
I neglected to follow up my post about S.2590 so I’m going to fix that now. The big question about this and H.R.5060, which both propose the establishment of an online database of federal funding awards, is how such a database can…
July 21, 2006
Grants Policy Committee Open Stakeholders Webcast
Bizarre title for a meeting, I agree, but welcome all the same because it means that the Grants Policy Committee has organized itself to hold an open forum meeting to which all-comers are welcome. Holding open, come-as-ye-are grants policies meetings has been…
Senate debates S.2590
GovExec has a good summary of the debate about S.2590, which aims to create a database of federal grants and contracts. (H.R.5060 is focused only on grants.) I’ll post more about this subject later. Gotta run to a meeting right now!…
July 18, 2006 to use E‑Authentication
GCN reports on’s plans to expand the number of credential providers servicing their user authentication requirements, thereby aligning with the E‑Authentication initiative. User authentication is different to user validation. The latter is simply an exchange of username and password.…