Author: Pete Sinnott
August 9, 2006
Measuring government ROI
InfoWorld reports that SAP executives have said that “struggle to define and measure the economic, social and political returns of government-funded technology programs”. At the root of this, of course, is the desire of vendors like SAP to help government…
August 3, 2006
2007 Excellence.Gov Awards topic: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Collaboration
Every year the Excellence.Gov Awards are held to highlight the very best government IT projects, and I’m the chair this year! The awards receive significant publicity every year, including the annual award ceremony, which is one of the Industry Advisory…
S.2590 amended
The THOMAS site hasn’t been updated yet but here’s the amended version of S.2590. The revisions are as follows:
Enactment date delayed from beginning of 2007 to beginning of 2008;
Requirement for a 10-year archive of data has been removed;
Individual transactions…
August 2, 2006
PMA scores improve for e‑gov
GovExec reports today that agencies are generally improving their e‑gov scores against the President’s Management Agenda. The scorecard shows that:
For progress of implementation:
Interior, Justice, DOT, VA, SBA, and SSA are all scored red (“unsatisfactory”)
Defense, EPA, DHS, Treasury, Corps…
August 1, 2006
More on that GCN story / business problem ≠ technology problem
Yesterday I posted about this GCN story that seems to lay all blame for grants management inefficiencies at’s door. In re-reading the article, think the author got the wrong end of the stick from GAO’s report. Here’s the first sentence…
ITIL and EA are not the same thing
GCN has an interview with Malcolm Fry, who’s considered the “father” of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Fry says that “ITIL is, to some degree, enterprise architecture”. But as Wikipedia accurately describes, ITIL is a set of service management best practices.…
2006 International Enterprise Architecture Survey
John Gøtze highlights a fascinating and comprehensive survey of enterprise architecture implementations and utilization in governments worldwide. Some of the conclusions aren’t surprising (limited realization of EA goals, little calculation of benefits versus costs, etc.) but it’s encouraging to see such…
FPDS-NG testing
Washington Technology reports that GSA wants people to test FPDS-NG, one of the systems being mooted for replacement as a consequence of S.2590, the bill which proposes creation of a single federal funding (contracts and grants) data. (Go try it out, here.)…
July 31, 2006
GCN story on GAO report
This GCN article is a little misleading, making GAO’s report sound like a condemnation of, which it doesn’t appear to be to me. While comes in for some criticism in GAO’s report, it is not the root of all the…
S.2590 approved by Senate committee
The Washington Post reports today that S.2590 was approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last Thursday. A fella from Forrester Research claims that it would be “feasible” but “a huge undertaking,” natch, primarily because of the political…