November 8, 2006

OMB: Initiatives will outlast Bush

GovExec published an interesting article last week about the permanence of initiatives such as the Lines of Business (grants management being one of them). Many agencies are asking themselves whether to pay a lot of attention to these initiatives, in light…

Altum acquires Easygrants from defunct Arlington Group

I see that our friends at Altum have acquired Arlington Group’s Easygrants software! This is a great development for Easygrant users because support was non-existent as a consequence of Arlington Group shutting up shop. Altum’s a great company and their founder, Ken Fang, is…
October 31, 2006

Solpath: an open source grants management package

Well I’m glad that someone has finally found the courage and means to start an open source grants management system project! These folks have just launched and are focused on foundations and non-profits. (Their chosen technology stack — PHP, MySQL,…
October 26, 2006 Stakeholder’s Meeting 10/25/06. And I don’t mean to be annoying. Honest!

The PMO held their bi-monthly Stakeholder’s Meeting yesterday and while I couldn’t attend (we’re responding to a large proposal and I’m — how can I put it? — going nuts) I got the notes from a colleague. The presentations should be on the…

Google seeks access to data (and others) — what about RSS?

They’re already indexing every book on the planet, so why not government data? GovExec reports that Google is trying to open government data to Internet search engines (though I can’t imagine which one they have in mind!) to better enable users…
October 23, 2006

GCN article about FM and GM integration

Jason Miller just filed new story for GCN discussing how the Financial Management Line of Business (FMLOB) and Grants Management Line of Business (GMLOB) are working together to figure out how they intersect. Yours truly is quoted in there (I’m…
October 13, 2006

The value of government (and government IT)

Over on the GCN blogs, Tom Temin posted an article titled “Is YouTube more valuable than say Grants gov?” in which he reports on SAP America’s funding of a study to quantify the value of government. I don’t know why he mentioned…

Nominate your project for the 2007 Excellence.Gov Awards!

I’m the Chair of the ACT/IAC Excellence.Gov Awards this year. The awards are a very big deal in government and industry circles, and this year we’re focusing on “Leveraging Technology to Enhance Collaboration”. The idea is to highlight the very best…
October 6, 2006

OMB Watch launching

OMB Watch just sent out invitations to the launch of, the database of Federal funding and awards that is something of a model for the Federal Financial Transparency and Accountability Act (FFATA), formerly known as bill S.2590. I can’t attend but…
October 5, 2006

Complete this survey!

Are you a grantee? Use a grants system? You should complete this survey. (Full disclosure: I’m the Co-Chair of this committee!)  If you haven’t already responded to the National Grants Partnership survey regarding the use of standards in grants management and administration,…