Author: Pete Sinnott
January 2, 2007
E‑Gov performance measures
OMB released performance metrics for all of the e‑gov initiatives last month, including Accurate measurement of program performance has been a missing component of government IT for many years. In judging the Excellence.Gov Awards, a common criticism is that nominations fail…
December 6, 2006
Stacie Boyd leads NSF grants efforts, leaves OMB
Stacie Boyd has left her post as an OMB E‑Gov portfolio manager to lead governmentwide grants management initiatives at the National Science Foundation. Tim Young will take over her responsibilities at OMB, which included Disaster Management, E‑Vital, Geospatial One-Stop,…
December 5, 2006
Free DUNS, IRS validation, and CCR registration training, December 18
TCG is sponsoring some free training from the State of Maryland Governor’s Grants Office. Here are the details. Attend if you can — it promises to be a great program!
“How to successfully complete the registration process”…
November 30, 2006
Excellence.Gov Awards nominations now close 12/8/2006!
We’ve extended the nomination deadline for those folks still recovering from turkey-induced stupor! Go to the Excellence.Gov Awards web site and download the form to get started.…
November 29, 2006
NIH R01 Grant Applications Go Electronic
Big news from NIH as they officially announce the switch to all-electronic submissions through Training will be held on December 5th, and there are some interesting notes in the press release:
The transition to electronic submission is complex. It…
November 27, 2006
Excellence.Gov Awards — nominations close 12/4/06
Just a quick reminder to nominate your projects for a 2007 Excellence.Gov Award! Nominations close on December 4 (that’s this Friday) so time is getting short. These awards highlight the very best government IT projects, culminating in an annual award ceremony and…
November 10, 2006
E‑gov initiatives to create momentum under new House leadership?
Following up from my post yesterday about the impact of changes in House and Senate committee leaderships, I see that GovExec has some additional comments from various government IT types, including this:
… interagency transfers of funds to work on the…
November 9, 2006
DOT and SBA jump to green!
OMB released the latest scorecard today and there’s some dramatic change — DOT and SBA have both jumped from a red status under E‑Government to green! You can see all the past scores on the website. A “green” status indicates…
Federal IT’s fortunes unclear under new Senate and House leadership
Washington Technology offers great insight on how Tuesday’s election results may impact federal IT spending. The summary is:
In the Senate, Joe Lieberman will likely continue his support of e‑government initiatives, in his new role as chairman of the Homeland…
November 8, 2006
OMB says “Turn off duplicative systems…or else”
Jason Miller posted an enlightening article, reporting on Karen Evans’ intention to have agencies turn off duplicative systems. In past years, funding for IT that duplicated functionality in government-wide systems (e.g.’s find and apply) was cut. Now, though, OMB…