Author: Pete Sinnott
March 14, 2007
Register for the Excellence.Gov Winner’s Presentation, March 20 at GSA!
One of the big benefits of the Excellence.Gov Awards program for nominees and the rest of us is the panel presentation for the top 5 awardees. At this session, the ‘best of the best’ talk about how their award-winning program came…
March 2, 2007
Grants Policy Committee webcast — March 8, 1.30pm‑3.30pm
The National Grants Partnership just sent out a reminder about the next Grants Policy Committee webcast, to be held next Thursday, March 8, from 1.30pm‑3.00pm. Details about how to attend and view the meeting are on the site. Looks like…
February 20, 2007
Top 5 2007 Excellence.Gov awardees honored
We held the 2007 Excellence.Gov Awards luncheon today at the quite-wonderful Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, DC, and announced the top 5 awardees. They are:
Disaster Management from DHS
E‑Rulemaking’s Docket Management System from EPA
Justice Information Sharing (JUSTIS) from the Government of the…
February 15, 2007
Reminder: Excellence.Gov Awards luncheon, 2/20/07, 12pm-2pm
Consider this your last warning. Want to see the best of government IT honored, and mix with 300+ other government and industry executives at a high-falutin’ awards “do”? You’d best get thee to the ACT/IAC Web site, then, to register for…
Profile of HHS/ACF GMLOB provider
Somehow I missed this when it was published earlier in the month (bad, Google Search, bad!) but GCN has a nice profile of the Administration for Children and Families’ GMLOB offering, The article explains what the motivations were behind ACF nominating…
Federal Spending is up!
I see that the Web site intended to help guide development of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) system is live! Through the Federal Spending site, anyone can submit comments to the FFATA Task Force that’s working on the…
January 31, 2007
Budget proposal to detail benefits of IT consolidation
GovExec has an interesting tidbit:
The Bush administration’s fiscal 2008 budget proposal will detail the financial benefits of an effort to consolidate back-office information technology systems across government, an Office of Management and Budget official said Tuesday.
Presumably this will…
January 30, 2007
Agencies to publish budget justifications online
I hadn’t heard this little piece of news until it was reported on GovExec’s FedBlog.
Government-watchers will get a boost this year from an Office of Management and Budget directive that requires agencies to post the documentation behind their budget requests online.…
January 29, 2007
OMB management chief welcomes Democratic oversight
Clay Johnson of OMB, our speaker for the 2007 Excellence.Gov Awards, is in the new with a report at GovExec regarding his welcoming the new Democratic Congressional oversight:
Clay Johnson, deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget,…
Annual CTO Forum — 2/7/07, Arlington, VA
I just saw this announcement and thought a few readers may be interested in the topic of data sharing and interoperability.…