May 9, 2007

HUD’s Barbara Dorf selected for National Public Service Award

There’s a nice profile of Barbara Dorf, HUD’s Director of the Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight, in this Federal Times report about recipients of the National Public Service Award. In it, Barbara is quoted talking about HUD’s Logic Model…
May 1, 2007

Complete Cost/Benefit of Enterprise Grants Management deck

Courtesy of our friends at Grantium, we can post all three presentations [PDF] that were given at a Grantium-sponsored event last week about “Cost/Benefit Analysis of Enterprise Grants Management”. The presenters were:  Sandy Swab, Grants Consultant, talked about The Drivers for…

FFATA data elements memo published

I didn’t know this [PDF] had been published but apparently so! OMB has released a memo detailing the data elements that agencies must collect and provide to comply with FFATA. From the memo:  Agencies now must organize and categorize this information for access…

Next Grants Policy Committee webcast: June 19, 1pm-3pm

I just heard that the next GPC webcast will be on June 19, from 1pm to 3pm. I don’t believe that the agenda has been issued yet but you can bet that FFATA will be under discussion! The webcast will be held…
April 30, 2007

Dan advocates FreeCycle

Dan Turner, the chap who runs TCG, has been quoted in a Washington Business Journal article about how some local businesses save money while growing:  Dan Turner, president of TCG, says the company’s goal is to save the government a total of…

TCG To Support USDA’s Lean Six Sigma Grants Process Initiative

We will be issuing this press release first thing in the morning. We’re very excited about this project, for working at USDA again and because of our application of Lean Six Sigma techniques to grants streamlining!  TCG TO SUPPORT USDA’S…
April 27, 2007

Federal grants management environment (NGMA Conference 2007 material)

I delivered this presentation at the NGMA Conference yesterday, as part of the “Grants Streamlining & Consolidation: Aligning with the GMLOB” session. It describes the major drivers in US Federal grants management. The second part of the session was a presentation by Darren…
April 25, 2007

Havekost is Austria-bound

I think this ranks among one of the less-expected stories of the week! Charles Havekost announced Monday that he will be leaving his position as chief information officer at the Department of Health and Human Services in mid-June and moving with…
April 24, 2007

NGMA session — Grants Consolidation and Streamlining: Aligning with the GMLOB

The NGMA Conference is this week and we’re speaking at this session on Thursday morning. I’ll be joined by my fellow TCG-er, Judith Turner, and Darren Ash, Associate CIO at the Department of Transportation. Here’s the abstract:  This session will…

Cost/Benefit Analysis for Enterprise Grants Management — 4/25/2007, 16:30 EDT

I’m speaking at this event tomorrow night, and you’re all invited! It’s sponsored by Grantium, a provider of COTS grants management products. Here’s the pitch:  The timely topics that we will cover are: * Optional approaches to modernizing Enterprise Grants Management solutions *…