Author: Pete Sinnott
August 31, 2007
Wanna be President? Sign an Oath of Transparency!
GovExec reports that three Presidential hopefuls have signed an oath pledging to support (FFATA), should they win office next year. The Oath of Presidential Transparency is being led by the Reason Foundation and Sens. Barack Obama, D‑Ill., and Sam…
August 24, 2007
SF-424 to change for FFATA
Bob Beattie of the University of Michigan asked the S2S mailing list whether data elements on the 424 might change because of the requirements of the FFATA and Kim Deutsch of the NSF responded. I thought this would be of…
August 21, 2007
FCW picks up FFATA data competition story
Following up from our post last week about this subject, Jason Miller at FCW today reports that GSA is now competing the requirement for data for Jason has a knack for getting good information about the whys and wherefores of…
August 20, 2007
The Inner Life of the Cell
This incredible video was made by some folks at Harvard (supporting by the quite-wonderful Howard Hughes Medical Institute) and came to my attention through the NIH Biomedical Computing Interest Group. Really quite an incredible view of the mechanics of life. …
August 17, 2007
GSA now competing FFATA database work
Matt Jillings at Compusearch pinged me about this posting [PDF version] on FedBizOpps for “The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Data”. This seems to replace the prior sole source procurement intended for Eagle Eye, who developed I wonder…
August 3, 2007
FFATA needs subaward pilot help
I got this from the NGP a few days ago and just now have time to post it here. If anyone’s interested in helping think through subaward reporting for FATA, contact Tyson Whitney or Barbara Dorf.…
July 26, 2007
GSA buying OMB Watch’s solution for FFATA
Well it looks like GSA is going to base, the Web site intended to meet the requirements of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), on OMB Watch’s site, which was created by a contractor called Eagle Eye.…
July 23, 2007
FFATA update from FCW
Jason Miller at FCW has just published an article providing some very interesting details about progress towards fulfilling the requirements of FFATA, such as:
By July 31, DOD expects to begin testing the technology behind what OMB officials hope will be…
July 19, 2007 Webcast 7/19/2007
I missed the first 30 minutes of the webcast due to a conflicting meeting. Here are the notes I took from 30 minutes in.
[UPDATE: The slide presentation, including the bits that I missed, is available here.]…
July 16, 2007
Cayuse launches Grantopedia blog
Grantopedia is a new grants management blog being fully launched tomorrow, sponsored by Cayuse. From the press release:
“Through our work with, universities and federal funding agencies we have met and engaged with many well-informed people with exceptional insights into…