Author: Pete Sinnott
September 11, 2007
FDP: Update
Terry Nicolosi provided an update on the system. She was joined by Harsha Rao, Gary Alfano (both from General Dynamics), Doug Privelege (from Adobe), and Vince Sprouls. Lots of interesting information here, including the fact that IBM Workplace Forms…
September 10, 2007
FDP: FFATA SF-424 Forms Update
Jean Feldman talked about how the SF-424 needs to change to help FFATA compliance. Jean leads the SF424 Forms Families & FFATA Implementation Subcommittee. More after the link……
I joined the session on FFATA a little late (Brad Stanford’s fault, honest!) but arrived just in time to see Gil Tran of OMB slay the crowd and take the title of Humorous Government Person at the FDP Meeting from Jean Feldman.…
The unsaid reason why agencies resist GMLOB
Last week and today I’ve been having interested chats with various people about GMLOB and attempts to consolidate grants management operations. One key point has emerged from these discussions and I thought it might be useful to describe it here.
The problem…
FDP: GMOB Profiles
All three of the GMLOB consortia (NSF, Education, and HHS/ACF) gave an overview of their offerings today. Notes follow the jump……
Government heads for Second Life
Just picked up this post from Bob Brewin from GovExec.
That’s the goal of key staffers at the Information Resources Management College at the National Defense University, which has a formed a multiagency consortium to establish a sizeable federal presence in the Second…
FDP: Agency Updates
I’m at the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) meeting today and will be posting some brief notes throughout the day, courtesy of the free wi-fi here at the wonderful National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC.
There were updates from NSF,…
September 6, 2007
More details on new GMLOB direction
Following up Friday’s OMB e‑mail that requires agencies to designate a GMLOB consortia lead by December 31, the Grants Executive Board today held a meeting that offered a few more details about the policy, exceptions, and other matters. The following notes are based…
September 5, 2007
FDP Meeting — meet up?
I’m attending the FDP meeting next week in Washington, DC, and if anyone would like to meet up, let me know! The agenda looks pretty good, especially now that OMB has re-energized the GMLOB!…
September 3, 2007
OMB on GMLOB: “Align with one the three Consortia Leads. There’ll be no more”
On Friday OMB made a significant announcement about the GMLOB to the CIO Council mailing list:
In the FY07 President’s Budget, OMB designated three agencies as consortia leads for the Grants Management Line of Business (GM LoB): the Department of Education,…