Author: Pete Sinnott
October 10, 2007 Webcast on October 17th
Just a quick reminder that there’s a Webcast next Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm. Here’s how to participate:
1. Go to
2. Go to the bottom right hand corner of the page under the title “Now Playing.” At 12:30 Eastern…
Government IT wiki starts up
[Via FCW] A group of former feds and industry folks have started GovITwiki, a collaborative resource for those seeking information on federal IT budgets, procurement practices, and so on. If this gains traction, it could be a good source of information for any…
Free training on neuroimaging tools clearinghouse tomorrow
If you have an interest in neuroimaging informatics tools and resources, you should attend the free, online training being held tomorrow on the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse. NITRC, as the site is known, is being built by NIH…
September 26, 2007
GSA changes tack on solicitation. Again
FCW reports that GSA issued another modification to its solicitation for the data and system to power by January 1st; now they just want data and no software. This is all rather inscrutable to me. From the article:
September 25, 2007 launched
You wait ages for an easy way to search federal awards data and then two come along at once! Well, almost. The folks who currently support the Federal Procurement Data System — Next Generation (known as FPDS-NG) have launched a competitor…
New technology transfer resource
Sharon McLoone’s Small Business blog pointed out a great resource for entrepreneurs looking for new innovations to take to market: the
iBridge Network. This is
“an online searchable database with the latest news in research, technologies and findings at U.S. universities. The…
GAO says LOB funding contravenes appropriations law
Chris Dorobek’s blog is proving really useful! He’s highlighted a GAO report about DHS’s use of shared services, and notes that GAO has come to quite alarming conclusions:
“the legal principles are clear. [DHS] officials stated that the directorate pooled funds…
We’re aiming to save taxpayers $1 billion by 2011
We just announced our new company goal: To save taxpayers $1 billion by 2011! You can read all about it on our Web site. To create this goal and track our progress we’ve spent the better part of this year…
September 20, 2007
FDP starts government grantor systems wiki
FDP’s inimitable Ron Splittgerber of Colorado State has taken it upon himself to start a wiki that will document agency grant systems, interfaces, forms, and a host of other great information. The prototype is up here and will be based on data…
Brain Storming Web 2.0 at NIH
Via the ever-wonderful BCIG mailing list I got notice of this very interesting Web 2.0 initiative at NIH, which is exploring the application of those technologies at that revered (around here, anyway) agency. There’s an open discussion session being held on…