January 29, 2008

Another great example of online collaboration in government

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Stephen Barr’s Federal Diary column profiled OMB’s MAX Federal Community, a wiki that’s being used throughout government to speed decision-making and help agencies work across organizational boundaries. I love this stuff, primarily because technology is not the object…

Grants.gov now REQUIRES Adobe Reader 8.1.1

This is a very important announcement regarding compatibility of various versions of Adobe Reader with Grants.gov. Please take note!  Important Software Version Announcement: Adobe Reader 8.1.1 Required When applying with Adobe Reader applications on Grants.gov, it is now required to download Adobe…
January 16, 2008

Grants.gov Winter 2008 Newsletter now available

You can get it here. Although surely it should be “January 2008 Newsletter”, unless they’re way ahead of schedule or I’m way behind.  I didn’t make it to the Grants.gov Webcast today. If you did, let us know what happened in…
January 9, 2008

Grants.gov Webcast announced — 1/16/08 13:00 EST

Happy New Year, everyone! I just got back from vacation and received this delightful missive:  Please join us for the next Grants.gov Stakeholder Webcast on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. This meeting will be a webcast…
December 14, 2007

USASpending.gov garners praise from Congress

More from Jason Miller at FCW about the launch of USASpending.gov, including very complimentary comments from Tom Coburn and Tom Davis (These are very rare, so worth collecting!)…
December 13, 2007

FFATA Web site launched: USASpending.gov

‘Tis a momentous day for followers of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) as the Web site that meets the January 1st deadline stated in the law has been launched! USASpending.gov allows users to search grants and contracts (loans…
December 12, 2007

Invitation to comment on the draft Federal Financial Report

The government is trying to consolidate federal financial reporting requirements and recently issued a Federal Register notice to invite comments on the latest draft of that consolidated report. Here’s the heads-up from the National Grants Partnership.  Attached (here [PDF]) please find…

Grants.gov posts Adobe tutorial

Just got this from the Grants.gov mailing list. Good to see these things appearing!  We continue to update the Grants.gov site to reflect the transition from PureEdge to Adobe. You may want to take a few minutes to view our new…
December 4, 2007

Questions for GMLOB consortia leads

In October OMB released its new guidance so each agency can conduct a fit/gap analysis between its grants management needs and the capabilities of GMLOB consortia leads (Education, HHS/ACF, and NSF right now). That guidance includes templates to help agencies map…

NGP Releases Grants Management Standards White Paper

How did I miss this until now?! The latest National Grants Partnership white paper as been released, titled, The Need for Federal Grants Management Standards [PDF]. From the executive summary:  In an effort to achieve [the goals of grants streamlining] and…