March 11, 2008

NGMA formalizing key grants management knowledge for certification

The Association ha contracted with the Professional Examination Services (PES) to conduct a study that will formalize the qualifications and knowledge required to be certified as a Certified Grants Management Specialist (CGMS). This demonstrates the NGMA’s commitment to creating a certification that will…

Today’s NGP Meeting: Change of Webcast address

Due to technical difficulties, the address for the Webcast of today’s NGP meeting has been changed to Register there ahead of the event to get all of the video goodness, courtesy of Ken Fang and the good folks at Altum.…
March 7, 2008

Heed the advice of Darren Ash!

Darren Ash joined the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as CIO a few months ago and had a guest column published in The Federal Times this week. You can read it here. (Disclosure: Darren was a client of ours at DOT.) In the column,…

NGP meeting: March 11

Judging on several of my recent posts, I think I’ve become the grants community’s social secretary! Here’s another one for your diaries: The National Grants Partnership (NGP) meeting is on March 11th at the Department of Education in Washington, DC. You…
March 6, 2008

2007 ExcellenceGov Awards White Paper released!

We finally completed the white paper documenting the lessons learned by the top five winners of last year’s Excellence.Gov Awards, and you can grab it here. The theme in 2007 was Lessons Learned to Leverage Technology to Enhance Collaboration. There…

Register for the 2008 Excellence.Gov Awards luncheon!

Registration is now open for the annual Excellence.Gov Awards luncheon, where all 20 of the award winners (list here) will be honored. The theme this year is “Improving Organizational Performance Using Information Technology”. (Disclosure: I’m the co-chair of the awards…
March 4, 2008

NGMA event: Federal Assistance Stakeholder Outreach Programs

This NGMA luncheon topic looks very interesting indeed! We’re seeing more and more agencies dedicated greater resources for outreach to grantees, mainly to help improve program outcomes. (Disclosure: We’re supporting a few of them in this effort.) So this is a timely…
March 3, 2008

GMLOB alliances: The story so far

There has been much chattering and buzz about the fact that OMB should be providing GMLOB MOU feedback to agencies soon…if not having done so already. If you recall, agencies had to submit Memoranda of Understanding with GMLOB providers to…

Smart grants management professionals needed!

(Dumb ones should not apply.) I got this lovely note from Torryn Brazell of the National Grants Management Association about the Certified Grants Management Specialist (CGMS) certification that’s being set-up now. NGMA is looking for volunteers to help define the Grants…
February 20, 2008

Walker leaves GAO to lead USA transformation non-profit

According to a press release issued by the GAO last week, David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, is leaving government to head up the newly-formed Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which is dedicated to “sensible policy solutions to a range of…