Author: Pete Sinnott
April 2, 2008 Stakeholders Webcast — April 16th
Just got this notice (and entered it on the Grants Management Events Calendar):
Please join us for the next Stakeholder Webcast on Wednesday, April 16, 2008, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET. This meeting will be a webcast only…
April 1, 2008 redesign creates frustration and angst
Government contractors’ favorite Web site, (known as, launched its redesign this week, and there are some significant problems with it. I just e‑mailed this list to the site maintainers:
1. New site registrants are sent their username AND password…
March 28, 2008
GPC Webcast available
So it says here:
The archived version of the GPC Webcast from March 18, 2008 is now available from our website at Once you are brought to HUD’s website, if the link does not take you to HUD’s directly to…
Updated FFATA Subaward Pilot meeting information
More details on the FFATA Subaward Pilot project have been announced. The original announcement is here. Apparently the pilot project is scheduled to start June 23 and end August 23, 2008. If you are interested in participating, join the meeting…
March 27, 2008
GPC Webcast available soon
I missed the GPC webcast last week due to another commitment, and didn’t know about the problem that was mentioned in the mailing list yesterday:
Yesterday’s Webcast was unable to be viewed outside of HUD due to an unfortunate and…
March 24, 2008
FFATA Subaward Pilot Workgroup
Much happening on the FFATA subaward front! Here’s the best way to get the latest information and get involved, courtesy of the NGP:
At our last webcast, the NGP offered to support Andrea Brandon and her FFATA Sub-Award Pilot Workgroup. Andrea…
March 18, 2008
Big Dog: $10m of your money put to good use
Big Dog is a quadruped robot developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This thing can traverse rough territory while carrying significant payloads, which could be very useful in situations such as battle, health…
March 14, 2008
Grants Management Events Calendar
For a while I’ve been frustrated that there’s no one single source of information about grants management events. Between, the Grants Policy Committee, GMLOB, NGMA, NGP, and FDP, there’s a lot going on! So I decided to make one, and just added…
Reaching Out to Financial Assistance Stakeholders — NGMA session notes
Today I attended the NGMA lunch where Lois W. Paul of the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, presented “Reaching Out to Financial Assistance Stakeholders.” I was most interested in Lois’s discussion of the ways in which the Bureau has…
March 11, 2008
Notes from the NGP Meeting, March 11
I managed to get the NGP meeting today and took some notes, which I thought by be useful to a few readers. (Click the link below for more.) Topics and speakers were:
OMB Update — Marguerite Pridgen
Mandatory Grants Panel — Sheldon Edner…