August 4, 2008

New legislation calls for federal grants web site

As reported over at GovExec, one part of Senator Voinovich’s new legislation is to develop a web site where grantees can track their grant applications. Clearly this is an attempt to expand the scope of (which was originally intended to…
August 1, 2008

How open should open source be?

On behalf of the NIH, TCG runs a project called the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse, otherwise known as NITRC. It’s a resource for neuroimaging researchers who are developing or using software to analyze things like fMRI scans and other kinds…

Subaward Pilot IT solution identified

I just posted this over at the NGP blog and thought others may like to know about it.  An alert NGP member recently forward the following e‑mail from Robert Shea of OMB to the NGP mailing list. It shows that the HHS…
July 30, 2008

P.L. 106–107 reauthorization in progress

Cornelia Chebinou of the NGP just posted about Senators Voinovich and Lieberman’s proposed reauthorization of the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act. The NGP is accepting comments on the proposed legislation to submit to Congress. I wonder what prompted this sudden…
July 21, 2008 summer newsletter is on the street

Another notice that was languishing in my overflowing inbox was a heads up that the summer newsletter is available. It’s not exactly pulp fiction for the beach but a vital read for people like us. The newsletter updates us that:  The transition…

Compusearch highlights GMLOB “Alternative Solutions Group”

As I’m in a small hiatus between proposals, now is the perfect time to catch up on some grants news. (No fishing or watching old episodes of The Riches for me, oh no!) This little nugget has been in my mailbox…

Subaward Pilot draft documents now available

We just posted the draft Subaward Research Agreement documents from the FDP, NIH, and NSF to the NGP web site (here). Those who deal in such matters should head over there to review the draft language and provide input to…
July 16, 2008

Adobe 9.0 is okay for has finished its testing, per this announcement:  Adobe Reader 9.0 is compatible with July 10, 2008 Testing for Adobe Reader version 9.0 is complete. Adobe Reader 9.0 is now compatible with Applicants are required to have a compatible…
July 14, 2008

Grants Policy Committee goes webified!

The Grants Policy Committee just announced their new web site, with its very own three-letter government domain name (we geeks are awed by such wonders!). Check it out at It’s got webcast archives, contact information, a breakdown of which groups…
July 12, 2008

Away at the range

A bunch of TCG people went to our local gun range today as a reward for hitting our quarterly strategy goal! We took a bunch of pictures, and I’ll add more later when we get them posted. This picture shows our armored…