September 17, 2008

Transparency Act RFI

Well this one slipped me by! At yesterday’s NGP meeting, it was announced that OMB has issued an RFI regarding implementation of the subaward reporting component of the Transparency Act. The RFI is here. I’m still digesting it but wanted…
September 15, 2008 opportunity e‑mails to end

Take note! will be terminating its opportunity notification e‑mails very soon. Everyone should shift to using the RSS feeds.…
September 12, 2008

Coburn unhappy with currency of data

As reported on NextGov yesterday, Senator Tom Coburn, one of the original sponsors of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (aka “FFATA”) is unhappy about the timeliness of some agencies’ data in As Robert Shea, the OMB executive…
September 9, 2008 seeks cloud computing solution is seeking information from companies capable of providing a “cloud computing” solution to support its needs, as this sources sought notice shows:  The core business of is: forms (development with business rules, testing, and deployment); the data residing…

TCG to Support Transformation of DOJ COPS Business Processes

We just posted this news at regarding some Lean Six Sigma efforts ongoing at DOJ COPS.…
September 5, 2008

Job: Business Consultant/Architect

We just posted a new job opening to the TCG web site, here, for a Business Consultant/Architect. If you’ve got system analysis, business analysis, and architecture experience, take a look!…

NGP September 16th agenda/registration now available

Click here to see the agenda for the NGP’s September 16th meeting and webcast. Registration details are also on this page. Topics up for discussion include:  Transition and Reauthorization of PL 106–107 Transparency Act & Subaward Pilot Update The Partnership for…
September 4, 2008 A blog for government EA types

Shahid Shah, a great friend of TCG’s who founded Netspective, has started a new blog aimed at the federal enterprise, system, and solutions architecture community. The Federal Architect aims to create discussion and collaboration among architects working in the federal government. Based… starts new blog

It looks like good ideas spread! has started its own blog all about grants management. Check it out here.…
August 21, 2008

TCG is on the 2008 Inc. 5000

Inc. magazine announced the Inc. 5000 today, the list of the fastest-growing companies in the USofA. We’re delighted that TCG is number 1,716 on the list! (Number 1 would be better but all good things come to those who work hard…)  We…