Author: Pete Sinnott
January 26, 2009
Transition team’s technology group
This is a nice insight into how the Obama Administration is thinking about how to use technology to reform government. Well worth a look.…
January 25, 2009
FDP January 2009 meeting presentations now available
You can get all the FDP goodness here. Highlights:
Federal agency updates (NIH, NSF, ARO, ONR, AFOSR, USDA, NASA)
Partnerships for Emerging Research Institutions
ERA Survey Results… Winter 2009 Newsletter now available
OK, I admit it; I forgot to post about this about a week ago! The newsletter is chock full this time around:
Adobe Transition
Speed and Reliability Upgrade
System Build 2008-03 Update
Understanding Adobe Reader Versions and “Broken Pipe” Contact Center
January 23, 2009
Transparency is the watchword, and already a practice
President Obama is already speaking to a large choir with this particular hymn:
In one of a handful of memorandums released during his first full day as president, Obama said he planned to issue an open government directive, which will instruct agencies…
January 16, 2009
2009 All Hands Meeting
So we’re gonna save the US taxpayer $100 million in 2009. And $1 billion by 2016. No sweat.
Well, that’s the plan, at least, as announced by Dan Turner at TCG’s annual All Hands Meeting yesterday! And to make sure we…
Nominated OMB Director says USAspendin needs improvement
USASpending is clearly at the forefront of the mind of Peter Orszag, the nominee to lead OMB under the new administration:
Dipping into the weeds of acquisition reform, he said the government should develop a more unified definition of inherently governmental…
January 12, 2009
FDP Meeting notes (Day 1)
I finally made it to the FDP meeting today, just in time for the last presentation of the day, which is fortunate because I won’t be at the meeting tomorrow at all. (Clients want meetings; I consider myself fortunate!) Unfortunately Mark Bussow’s…
January 8, 2009
FDP Meeting on Monday and Tuesday
The Federal Demonstration Partnership is meeting on Monday and Tuesday at the National Academies in Washington, DC. Check the agenda for the complete details, and find out how to register here.
And remember you can get all the grants management… Stakeholders Meeting announced — 1/21/09 13:00–1400
Just got an e‑mail notice on this. Here’s the text:
Please join us for the next Stakeholder Webcast on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT. This meeting will be a webcast only and registration is NOT…
December 10, 2008
2009 Excellence.Gov Awards nomination period now open!
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2009 Excellence.Gov Awards, sponsored by ACT-IAC’s Collaboration & Transformation Shared Interest Group. This awards program is one of the most prestigious in the industry, with recognition being given to agencies with successful IT programs…