Author: Pete Sinnott
April 29, 2009 gets applause for recent build
Monday was the deadline for a large grant opportunity, and performed very well! Whatever measures the team has taken seems to have really helped. As one submitter from a university wrote on the system-to-system mailing list:
“Like most folks, we…
April 28, 2009
GDIT gets sole source contract extension has determined (through a very rigorous process) that only General Dynamics IT, their current contractor, can help them through this frantic period of activity and meet the goals of the Recovery Act, and has awarded them a contract extension, as this…
April 17, 2009
Interview with NITRC project manager on FederalNewsRadio
Following up from NITRC’s Excellence.Gov Award win earlier this week, FederalNewsRadio has posted an article and audio story, including an interview with Nina Preuss, TCG’s NITRC project manager.
Nina is quite right: We didn’t expect NITRC to win this award…
April 15, 2009
Presentation of NITRC’s Award
We took a little video of (some of) the NITRC team accepting their Award yesterday. Included in the video are James Luo, Nina Preuss, David Kennedy, Christian Haselgrove, and Dan Turner. Shoddy camerawork is by me (for which I apologize!).…
April 14, 2009
NITRC projects wins Excellence.Gov Award!
I have some very exciting news: One of our projects has won the overall, top 2009 Excellence.Gov Award! The NIH’s Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC) project was recognized for its achievements in helping researchers collaborate to develop even…
April 10, 2009
FederalNewsRadio story on latest memo
Jason Miller of FederalNewsRadio has more details about the memo OMB released yesterday (with some quotes from OMB’s Tom Gavin, yours truly, and Mark Ace of Cayuse). Text story, audio story. Apparently OMB expects four agencies — Education, DHS, Justice,…
April 9, 2009
OMB directs agencies to pay for improvements
OMB released a new memo last night, directing agencies to provide past-due and new funds to support the improvement of Attachment A of the memo shows that OMB expects agencies to send over $12 million to by April 13th, $6…
April 3, 2009 schedules webcast for April 15
The next webcast will be on April 15 at 1pm EDT. No registration is required. Just click here at 1pm on April 15th! Here’s the agenda:
Introduction Quarterly Update and the Recovery Act Recently Accomplished System…
April 2, 2009
Next NGP meeting — June 9, 2009
The next NGP meeting will be on June 9, 2009. When the agenda is released, don’t forget to register!…
Buying COTS grants management systems, and aligning with GMLOB
A couple of years ago I made some presentations at the NGMA Conference, and posted them here via Slideshare. That system tells me that the presentations are getting a lot of views lately. As it’s clearly of interest again, I thought it might…