July 2, 2010

Why You Should Respond to Ads for Jobs That Are “Contingent on Contract Award”

…and why you should even volunteer to help with the proposal! Have you ever read an ad for a job opening that sounded really interesting, only to see a caveat down near the bottom that said “this position is contingent on contract…
June 29, 2010

Learn about TCG’s telework program

TCG was recognized with the 2010 Commuter Connections Telework Award earlier this month and at the award ceremony a little film was shown that describes the company’s telework program. You can check it out below!…
June 8, 2010

NGMA Monthly Luncheon announced for June

Here are all the details for the next NGMA monthly training luncheon. Interesting topic again this month! Steve Erickson of the EPA will talk about “Open Government: Expanding Accountability for Federal Spending Information”. More details: “This session introduces the Open…
June 4, 2010

NGMA launches new web site

I’m aghast — aghast! — that NGMA has launched a new-look web site! It’s a thing of beauty and wonder. Alicia, Torryn, and crew should be very proud. Check out their slick new digs, here.…
May 31, 2010

Notes from AABPA BFELoB panel session, 5/18/2010

I popped along to the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) Symposium panel discussion on how people are using BFELoB-funded tools to improve their budget management activities and took some notes that I thought I’d share with the community…

FDP releases slide decks from May meeting

The FDP has made available all of the presentations from its meeting earlier in May. You can grab the whole lot here: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/fdp/PGA_057092. They include updates from NIH, NSF, Research.gov, ARO, AFOSR, among many others.…

GAO’s Recovery Act report released

Some pretty amazing numbers are included here. LIke this: “Across the United States, as of May 7, 2010, the Department of the Treasury has paid out $114.8 billion in Recovery Act funds for use in states and localities. Of that amount,…
May 4, 2010

Knowledge management in the cloud exists in government right now

Quoting speakers at the recent Knowledge Management Conference, an article at FCW.com says that… “The combination of knowledge management and a cloud computing environment is the likely catalyst for open government” and… “the questions are: Who owns information in the cloud and…
April 28, 2010

Grants.gov — back to normal

I just returned from a little vacation to find this announcement [M‑10–16] from OMB regarding Grants.gov, confirming what many already understood: agencies are instructed to resume using Grants.gov’s “Apply” functionality for all grant programs that are eligible. This is not a surprise…
April 1, 2010

We now have some sausages

There’s an old saying: “The butcher’s family is always the last one to get the sausages.” (There are variants dealing with shoes, haircuts, and low load mutual funds, but I think I may have made up at least one of those.) We…