January 26, 2011

Rumors of a new cloud-based grants filing initiative

Mark Forman, the former OMB leader responsible for initiation of the Grants Management Line of Business (GMLoB), has announced that he will be “joining a colleague of mine in government reform, jumping into the cloud, with a cloud-computing initiative around grants filing.”…
January 20, 2011

Grants.gov webcast — now 2/2/11 at 1pm

Head on over to http://videocast.nih.gov at 1pm on February 2nd to join the Grants.gov Stakeholder Webcast. Looks like an interesting agenda: Introduction – Webcast Participants  Grant.gov Status Update  Grants.gov/Grantsolution Partnership Grantsolution Services Grants.gov/COE Discussion Grants.gov Support Q&A – Questions from…
December 23, 2010

NGMA seeking Journal articles

The NGMA’s peer-reviewed journal is looking for more articles for their next issue. All articles should be submitted by January 30th. Before starting writing, however, you should contact the NGMA Journal Editor, at ngmaeditor@aol.com. For more details, see the NGMA’s…
December 22, 2010

FDP registration now open for Jan 24–26 meeting

The Federal Demonstration Partnership is now accepting registrations for the January 24–26 meeting in Washington, DC. You can register right here through January 21st, but be quick! While event registration is usually pretty straight-forward, finding a hotel in DC can be…
December 13, 2010

NGMA Training: Lessons Learned From Two Years of ARRA

The next NGMA training session is titled Lessons Learned From Two Years of ARRA, and will feature Nancy DiPaolo of the US Recovery Accountability & Transparency Board. You can find all the registration information right here. And, of course, is also…
November 16, 2010

Next Grants.gov Webcast — 11/17/10, 1pm

Grants.gov will be talking about its future tomorrow, at 1pm. At that time, go to http://videocast.nih.gov to join the session. The complete agenda looks like this: Introduction – PMO  FY2010 Highlights Security Build Implementation/Resources Operational Status – System Outages/Impact System-to-System Next Release…
November 5, 2010

NGMA Training: Proactive Prevention of Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Grants

The next NGMA training session is scheduled for November 17. Here are the details: Proactive Prevention of Fraud, Waste and Abuse in GrantsFeaturing Patricia Reese, CPADirector, Division of Program Integrity Outreach, Communication and TrainingUS Department of Health & Human Resources  Preventing…
August 4, 2010

Rising Star Nina Preuss profiled

Our latest Rising Star, Nina Preuss, is profiled in Federal Computer Week online and in print this week. It’s full of vital information, including the fact that she’s not dead. (See the end of the article.) Well done, Nina!…
July 16, 2010

GMLOB shifting to “shared services”?

The Management Concepts (lovely, sweet-smelling, and smart people that they are) Grants Blog reported earlier this week that Danny Werfel, Controller of OMB’s Office of Federal Financial Management, said the following at the recent Association of Government Accountants Professional Development…
July 15, 2010

Government telework closer to reality

We’ve been advocates of telework here at TCG since our founding in 1994, and it’s worked out pretty well for us. GovExec reports today that the House has approved legislation that will enable eligible government workers to telework at least…