Author: Pete Sinnott
September 12, 2012
Getting the Edge on Jobs in Grantmaking
New credential for jobs in grantmaking may give some people an edge.
August 21, 2012
NGMA Training Series Begins With a Bang
NGMA presents GAO, the agency that has had as much of an effect on grants management as any organization but Congress itself.
July 28, 2012
Senator Coburn: “Fraud, Waste, and Stupidity” in Grants Management
$687 billion in unspent grant money is sitting in accounts all around the country -- Senate committee wants to find out why.
July 13, 2012
GAO Report Dumps Grants Overlaps in Wrong Lap
The GAO Report released this week that looked at overlap in Department of Justice grants programs found an alarming number of overlapping programs and, not surprisingly, grants applications that repeated the same language for programs at different DOJ agencies.
July 10, 2012
First Certified Grants Management Professionals
Grants management is getting more complicated with every new funding bill that passes Congress or in state legislatures, and with every new grants program created in federal, state, and local governments and in private foundations. Perhaps once grants could be…
May 7, 2012
DATA Act Sets Taxpayers Against Grants Recipients
H.R. 2146 provides no money to grantees and contractors for the reporting they will be required to do.
May 3, 2012
Lack of Documentation a Common Audit Finding
If you don't write it down, you might as well not do it when it comes to A133 audits.
March 28, 2012
GAO to FEMA: Make Sure Grants Programs Do Not Overlap
The GAO can't tell whether four of FEMA's grants programs overlap, because FEMA doesn't collect enough information on recipients.
March 18, 2012
Too Clever?
In many weakly-typed languages, such as Javascript and PHP, you might find code that takes some ambiguous value and coerces it into a straightforward boolean like so:
$boolean = (boolean) $mixed;
But what about this radically shorter alternative?
$boolean = !!$mixed;…
The Beautiful Ternary
I am a fan of the ternary operator. Yes, it’s alien the first time you meet it, but wow, talk about getting things done! In a single line you can succinctly express a test and two options, making for truly compact yet clear…