June 18, 2016

In a Summer of Sequels, TCG Repeats as Top Workplace Award Winner

On June 16th, The Washington Post released the highly anticipated sequel to last year’s runaway hit, the Top Workplaces Award. Once again named to the list was audience favorite, TCG, coming in at #1 for custom software development and advisory…
June 13, 2016

Make Your Own Training Adventure

by Judith Turner, Vice President for Employee Happiness TCG takes a positively distinct approach to our employees’ continuing education. Like many companies, TCG provides $2,500 to each employee every year for training. TCGers can take courses, attend conferences, buy books, get certifications…
June 6, 2016

Not Selling; Solving

by Dave Cassidy, Vice President When I applied to work at TCG, the job ad said, “Try us, we’ll make you happy.” So my cover letter dared the company to try me, and see if we could make each other happy.…
June 1, 2016

“Why” is the Foundation of a Positively Distinct Approach

by Dr. Robert Buccigrossi (a.k.a. “Butch”), Chief Technical Officer  TCG loves the word “why.” On one hand, “why” makes us technical iconoclasts and skeptics. We don’t want to use new and shiny technologies simply because they are popular. When faced…
May 25, 2016

Lisa “Modesty Is My Middle Name” Alferieff Wins SmartCEO Brava Awards

Repeatedly says, “C’mon guys, I appreciate it but I don’t deserve this.” TCG Chief Operating Officer Lisa Alferieff is a 2016 recipient of a SmartCEO Brava Award, given out annually to celebrate the distinguished achievements of 40 Greater Washington women business leaders. Lisa tends…
May 23, 2016

Making the First Day Positively Distinct for New TCGers

by Dan Turner, President Since we recently defined our company persona as “Positively Distinct,” I thought it’d be worthwhile to describe one of the things we do that I think makes us Positively Distinct. Among other things, Jack Daly says that it’s…
May 18, 2016

Why TCG Supports Paid Leave

Dan Turner, TCG’s President, was guest blogger for the Department of Labor’s blog yesterday, writing about why he supports DC’s paid family leave act. This follows Dan’s participation in Labor Secretary Tom Perez’s May 5th Lead On Leave roundtable, along with representatives from…
May 9, 2016

TCG Helps Staff Power Up!

There are many ways routine exercise pays off. It can help manage weight, increase flexibility, relieve stress, and lower the risk of major health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It’s important for everyone’s life and health and…
April 20, 2016

Potomac River Watershed Cleanup at Snakeden Branch

At the weekend, TCG lent a hand with Reston Association for the Earth Day initiative Potomac Watershed Clean Up 2016. TCGers and their families and friends volunteered to pick up an amazing total of 159 bags of trash from all across…
March 16, 2016

Adoption Is Hard. Let Us Make It Easier.

Any TCG employee who is interested in embarking on the difficult, fulfilling path of adoption can now claim up to $10,000 in reimbursement from TCG. In addition, we have started an Adoption Assistance program that, similar to an FSA, allows…